27 January 2015

my unplanned homebirth on the kitchen floor! labour story 2

Well as you know Betsy-May was due Friday 14/11/14 but was overdue exactly one week being born Friday 21/11/14 at 7.23 am. Or so we think that was the time, well never actually know the exact time because she was born on the kitchen floor, delivered by her daddy with just us around and a very frightened Lola-Rose. I managed to sleep through my contractions........AGAIN!

I tried everything to bring on labour. Curry, sex, walking, dancing with LR, spicy food, raspberry leaf tea and capsules, evening primrose and everything else. It must have worked as labour was super quick and strong. I woke up at about 6.10 am feeling really odd. No pain but mega uncomfortable like an insane pressure to wee like when you've held it in for so long and are literally about to burst!! Lola-Rose could hear me on the loo, I must have started making strange noises because all I could hear was her little voice "Mammy you ok? You ok mammy? You being sick?" cutest babe ever. Then I had the most intense pressure ever. I literally was holding her in and had constant pain that did not stop the whole time. Here we go I thought.

A home birth is a scary thought. At home, with one midwife and your chosen birth partners, no immediate medical help, the thought of being miles from hospital if something went wrong and just generally not my idea of a good idea! Pain relief wasn't a problem as I had no intention of using any as I didn't with LR so knew I could do it. But this pain was so much more intense than my first as I was holding her in, didn't know if I was in labour and was generally confused and stressed. I rang my mother saying things had started and she was to get ready to have LR, wed drop her off on the way to Hospital. But by the time I was off the phone and dressed I needed to push. Then and there. I shouted to Ross to ring the hospital but they advised to ring 999 as I needed to push. So we were calling an ambulance as they set up a midwife to attend. I started to freak out. All this happened within 20 minutes of getting up needing a wee. I started screaming to Ross "I need to push I need to push!" I listened to him telling them the baby was coming what should we do, then I started to really worry and panic. I took my bottoms off and told Ross to help me walk down to the kitchen (even during labour I knew not to ruin the carpets!) I then laid on the floor by the washing machine in tears. Id never been so scared in my life. Honestly thought I was going to die.

I started screaming, crying and shaking all the while Lola-Rose was running around crying. I made her sit by my head holding my hand, she then started stroking my head telling me she loved me. Such a precious moment. Ross was told to help me breath while the ambulance was on its way, but as I pushed her head was coming and his voice went to sheer panic. I was screaming in agony as she wouldn't stop trying to come out, LR was crying in the living room and Ross was shouting at the 999 operator what was he to do whilst telling me to breathe. It was sheer chaos. Something clicked with Ross at that point as he stopped panicking and was giving me advice what to do and when to do it. I knew she was only one push away as her head was out, we grabbed pillows for my head and towels to grab her and literally with one push I sat up to help catch her and she flew out sitting up in our arms. It was such an amazing moment. As we wrapped her up the ambulance crew arrived. Minutes late. I couldn't help but laugh and tell them they missed the fun....then I started shaking. My adrenaline kicked in and I was losing a lot of blood. It felt like forever the midwife didn't arrive for, when she did the wave of relief was overwhelming. Id never been so happy to see her.

Seconds after she was born, look how traumatised they all look!! 

Betsy-May was a whopping 8lb 11oz, no pain relief or assistance, I was sore yes lol. She needed some oxygen and to be checked because she came out so quick she had what they call congestion and was very swollen, a bluish colour and literally couldn't open her eyes or anything. She was very puffed up and stuffy for about 9 days after. After being checked by the most wonderful ambulance crew and midwife we made our way to hospital as I tore completely. Ouch. Once we got to hospital and got cleaned up, had food, I was sewn back up like a tapestry and things calmed down the reality sank in. We had another healthy baby girl. Our little fatty we still call her today. So from waking up to her coming out was in total only one hour...ish! I think it would have been sooner if I hadnt held her in a bit. So Ross isnt just a daddy, hes also a part time midwife!!

My self made world <3


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